on Target

I understand the righteous anger that prompts Christians to join a public boycott of Target for saying men and women can use each other’s restrooms, but I think this move hurts us both in perception and reality.

1. Perception. As our culture steams toward what may be its tipping point, let’s remember that sin doesn’t work. Sin never has worked. Sin cannot work. Those determined to deny God’s natural law and go their own way will inevitably fall into fifty shades of trouble.

Consider the confusion that has already set in. Our culture can no longer objectively determine male from female, how sex is supposed to work, or whether a man can become pregnant. And these are the people who claim to be great at science!

Our culture enthusiastically attempts to honor and defend women, then votes to draft them into the army, allow anatomical males into their most intimate spaces, and give their highest award to a man who only recently became eligible for Woman of the Year.

As our culture embarks on its Orwellian nightmare, it is going to feed on itself. Homosexuals will oppose transgenders, who want in on the cause. The former were “born this way” and the latter want to radically change the way they were born. Feminists will fight transgender men who invade their spaces and win their trophies, just as women were finally coming into their own. Leaders who thought they were on “the right side of history” will be ostracized for expressing a slightly wrong sentiment (what does “man up” imply about women?), making an innocent joke (good luck trying to be funny in this culture), or using the wrong pronoun.

Our desperate culture is going to need scapegoats. They’re going to blame Christians and those who defend traditional values for their problems (though Muslim wedding planners will somehow get a pass). Let’s not make it easy for them. When we loudly say we are going to boycott Target, we place a target on our backs. We give their failed experiment a reason to blame someone else for their problems. They’ll say their cultural reengineering project would succeed if only Christians weren’t so hateful. Let’s make sure it isn’t true.

2. Reality. Christians are sinners like everyone else, and a part of the reason we want to publicly protest may be the same part that wants to vote for Donald Trump. Burn the whole thing to the ground. We might lose, but we’re going down swinging.

Public boycotts are a power move. It’s one thing to quietly take your business elsewhere, but a public boycott assumes we have the economic and political clout to bend you into submission. The very thing that burns us about Bruce Springsteen, Apple, and PayPal in North Carolina is what angers the other side about us and Target. It’s difficult to have a charitable, respectful dialogue in the middle of a boycott. And they seldom work anyway.

Boycotts make us forget we are living in Babylon. We are not in Jerusalem anymore, if we ever were. We are the minority, a faithful remnant. Can you imagine Daniel and his three friends organizing a public boycott of Nebuchadnezzar’s golden idol or table? Daniel respectfully asked permission not to defile himself with the king’s food (Daniel 1:8). He didn’t start a crusade.

In these exciting, somewhat perilous times, let’s remember the church’s task to be a faithful witness. We must speak truth—both in what we say and how we live—and we must do so with grace. Remember, the people who want to take our freedom away are the very people Jesus wants us to reach for him. Let’s not yell at them in ALL CAPS for being lost. What did you expect they were going to say? Let’s show them a better way, so they can be found.

Photo by Mike Mozart. Via Flickr. Used by permission.



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40 responses to “on Target”

  1. Elden Stielstra

    I was with you all the way until you got to the Donald Trump part. You lost me there. I am voting for Trump because he has proven he can lead. He is not a politician but he has been tremendously successful in an extremely difficult and expanding business world. The other candidates, including Hilary, have not demonstrated this kind of leadership or management skills as powerfully or with the same finesse as Donald Trump. The top executive office in the world today needs a resume that is apolitical – one that will break the mold of the career politician and truly lead and direct within the bounds of Constitution law.

  2. mikewittmer

    Elden: I actually thought of you when I typed that. I do understand where you’re coming from, and I can’t offer a better solution (sitting out or voting for Hillary wouldn’t be better). I just could never vote for him, even if Jesus told me to.

  3. drivebymedia

    There may be one other (better?!) reason someone may now choose not to shop at any establishment that adopts a policy like this. They just might think it is now unsafe.

  4. Elden Stielstra

    Mike, l don’t believe that. You would never disappoint our Lord. You must have faith,brother.

  5. John Hill

    A thoughtful post that is helpful in these times when we feel that we are under intense pressure from those who are changing the things we see as absolutes. The reminder of Daniel’s response shows how we might act. God will defend Himself and we are to be salt and light in our Babylons.

  6. “Remember, the people who want to take our freedom away are the very people Jesus wants us to reach for him. Let’s not yell at them in ALL CAPS for being lost. What did you expect they were going to say? Let’s show them a better way, so they can be found.”

    Yes, yes, YES. Thank you.

  7. Good stuff, Mike. Thanks!

  8. mikewittmer

    Elden: Of course I’m kidding about Jesus. But I would insist on seeing some ID.

    DrivebyMedia: Agreed. I was thinking more about a public protest. Of course we must be vigilant for our children’s safety.

  9. Frank Seger

    I would love to send this post to someone not on Facebook. How can I get a copy?


  10. mikewittmer

    Email me and I can send you a Word doc. michael.wittmer@cornerstone.edu

  11. Jimmy McKee

    Thanks for the post! You put into words some of the things I’ve been struggling to articulate.

  12. Jeff O’Neill

    Just some personal thoughts on your article Mike. You mentioned at the beginning, “I think this move(public boycott of Target) hurts us both in perception and reality.” It is possible to damage our(Christian’s) reputation by intended & unintended actions. It seems to me that the “silence of the lambs” approach appeals more to a segment of our faith than the “roaring of lions.” Yet, I think there is a time for the worldly to hear “Repent” & a time for them to hear “You’re loved.” When people are at risk of being victims of sexual predators taking advantage of open bathrooms I deem it not a time to concern ourselves with anyone’s perception of Christians.

    “When we loudly say we are going to boycott Target, we place a target on our backs. We give their failed experiment a reason to blame someone else for their problems.” I don’t think “we give” them anything. We’d be blamed for not accepting Target’s open bathroom policy, even if it succeeded. I don’t think we’re here to appease Sinners, but to confront them with truth & love. Sometimes tough love is misunderstood, but it must be tough sometimes.
    Christians aren’t Sinners, nor are we like everyone else. Read the beginning of every Epistle. Paul doesn’t address anyone as a Sinner, rather as Saints, Brethren, Beloved of God. But, this is another issue altogether.

    “It’s difficult to have a charitable, respectful dialogue in the middle of a boycott. And they seldom work anyway.” There’s a time for dialogue & there’s a time for serious opposition. Just like Ecclesiastes tells us there is a time of peace and war.
    “Can you imagine Daniel and his three friends organizing a public boycott of Nebuchadnezzar’s golden idol or table?” The 3 actually did boycott the golden idol. They stood while the others bowed.

    I do agree with the Spirit of what you are saying. Sinners need touched by the love of God & that’s what we’re here to do. Just can’t agree with the way some are saying we need to do it. This usually happens when Christians challenge issues of the day. Some will say, “You’re too hard”, some will say, “You’re too soft”. It certainly takes wisdom & evaluating the circumstances properly to know the right approach.

  13. Good stuff Jeff O’Neill.

    Mike, I’m not generally for boycotts either, and haven’t jones any calls to “boycott Target.” But I am 100% for publicly calling their policy ludicrous and dangerous – on social media, which is read by many unbelievers. And no doubt I will be lumped in with all the callers for “boycotting.” And I have zero concern about that “perception.”

    My concern is with reality. And there’s nothing in my reality wants to “vote for Donald Trump.” What’s largely lacking in our day, and condemningly so in the professing church – is people committed to acting on the basis of principle. Yes, we season our speech with grace (which Jesus is not violating in Matthew 23 when he denounces, refutes and rebukes the Scripbes and Pharisee); yes, we speak in love (which Paul does when he repeatedly writes of sinners not inheriting the kingdom of God), but we always, because we live in reality, not perception – we always speak the truth – as best we understand it.

    Like Jeff said, I appreciate your spirit and there are some good things in your article (I’m completely with you on not “YELLING” at sinners on social media), but I find the vocal “anti-boycott-Target” reactionary. A trigger has been pushed for many in the church who want to criticize any movement of Christians that has the perception of a power play (the same trigger toward something like a “moral majority” – anathema to the folks agreeing with you) or that fuels the reality (which, apparently as Jeff said, is a denied reality) that Christians stand for righteousness (Prov. 14:34) against unrighteousness and sin (which involves opposing the way of sinners, Psalm 1; Eph. 5:11).

    100% agree with your final thoughts, “It certainly takes wisdom…to know the right approach.

  14. Carole M

    As drivebymedia alluded to, there is a very good reason having nothing to do with my Christianity: sowing and reaping. They’ve sown – chosen – to put me in an uncomfortable and potentially unsafe position should I have to use their multi stalled bathroom in their facility. Therefore they reap the consequences: I choose to not put myself in that position, and shop elsewhere. End of story.

  15. James

    I appreciate that you are not “shouting” at those who you see as being on the other side of these issues, but if it is an argument of “us versus them” it simply closes off any possibility of engendering the kind of communication that models Jesus. If you are staunch in your belief that transgender or LGBTQ people pose an inherent threat, in bathrooms or elsewhere, and could not possibly bear witness to the same Jesus as you, (as many of the comments illustrate) then sadly, there will never be anything that will break down the barriers that seem to be gaining credence with so many.

  16. drivebymedia

    james the inherent threat is not from transgenders, but from sexual predators who can now take advantage of this policy.

  17. Get over the “safety” issue about bathrooms. Over 95% of children abused are abused by adults close to them in their homes, churches or schools, not by strangers. These statistics bear up no matter how many studies they do.

  18. Kristine Parker

    We aren’t just talking bathrooms in Target, we are talking dressing rooms too. Michigan is proposing open restroom and locker room policy in the public school system. How do we stay silent on the Target issue and then take a stand on the public school restroom/locker room issue?

    I’m simply not willing to “get over” the issue about public restrooms. Of course the statistics show at this point that a majority of children are abused at home BECAUSE we have protected children in public places from being exposed in various stages of undress or complete nudity in locker rooms and showers with sound public policy that separates public facility use based upon biological gender.

    I read an article this week that showed Target placing urinals in the women’s bathroom in California. The urinals were not in stalls.

    I have joined in signing a boycott of Target. I have unsubscribed from their emails, unfollowed them on FB, deleted the Target app. and written a respectful email to Target Corporate. (whew! so much work in the digital age)

    In saying all of this, I’ll have any LGBT person over for dinner, go out for a movie, coffee, walk, whatever. I don’t believe that truly loving my neighbor means I have to share a private space with them.

    I can also choose to be intentional in where I spend my hard earned money and shop at stores that respect my right to privacy.

    One stall restrooms fixes part of this issue. The issue remains on how to deal w/ public showers and changing spaces.

    I read an article that stated, “I want my daughter to choose the first time the male form is exposed to her, not have it forced upon her in a public facility.”

    I think this is still good public policy.

  19. Elden Stielstra

    It’s not just a safety issue,especially for women and children, it is also a modesty issue. After the fall Adam and Eve put on fig leaves as a result of sin. The sin part is still with us.

  20. Mike M

    Just think of where this is leading. The girls track coach at the local high school must be licking his chops as he recruits the fastest man on the men’s team to join the women’s team as they face their biggest rival. Fred shows up sporting his hairy legs but says he feels like a woman on the day of the big meet.
    The opponent screams foul play. The culture yells back ” You are whatever you think you are.” No end to where this is headed.

  21. mikewittmer

    Just to clarify, I am entirely opposed to males and females using each others’ restrooms and locker rooms. I think we should speak out against it, as I have in this piece and will continue to do so. I’m simply questioning the strategy of a public boycott (different than a personal, private “boycott”) because a) it seems to be fighting the world in a worldly way and b) they never work anyway (so what have we gained except given the culture an opportunity to blame us for their problems?).

  22. lboldt

    Mike, I applaud your caution. People need choices like yours telling them to put down the pitchforks and torches. It’s an approach sorely lacking in modern evangelicalism.

    However, you still refer to their anger as “righteous.” While you don’t explicitly say that trans identities are sinful, you do strongly imply it. Correct! If I’m wrong on this, but it sure sounds like you think being transgender is a sin.

    I can understand why a Christian would conclude that lesbian and gay sex acts are sinful. I disagree with the interpretation of the roughly half-dozen or so pages that are interpreted as such, but the belief has at least some textual basis.

    But transgender identities are not sex acts. It’s entirely possible to be both transgender people and asexual or celibate – and many are. I have yet to see a single person point to Scripture and explain why they think being transgender is a sin.

    In fact, I can’t find it anywhere in the Bible.

    Can you? Can you point to something explicit in the text that condemns tabs identities, not just some nebulous concept like “natural law”? Can you honestly say that being transgender is sinful without tying a heavy, cumbersome loads and putting it on another person’s shoulders?

  23. Dan Boes

    It seems a bit disingenuous to assume a position of passivity while enjoying the privileges afforded us by centuries of aggressive, outspoken, violent, strong-minded Christian men & women martyred for their convictions.

  24. mikewittmer

    Dan: Did you mean to include the term “violent”?

    I’m not arguing for passivity. I have spoken out about this a lot and will continue to do so. Again, I’m just saying there are other better strategies than boycotts. None of the privileges that you rightly say I enjoy were won by a boycott. And I doubt it’s about to change now.

    Iboldt: I don’t think natural law is as nebulous as you suppose. I believe transgenderism is a disorder. I’ll let God judge how culpable each person is for having it.

  25. Larry

    Mike, I remind everyone that this is not the first time that Target has made a decision that is anti-Christian. It was not all that many years ago that Target refused to allow Salvation Army Bell Ringers in their stores during Christmas as it may offend someone to actually have a representation of Christianity in their stores during the holiday named after Christ. And this is the season when they rake in most of the years profit because of Christ’s birth. A little hypocrisy on Targets part. That year many Christians boycotted Target for that reason and their profits dropped some 20%. Needless to say the “Bell Ringers” were back the next year.
    Targets true colors are showing, either they are anti-Christian or so worried about being PC that they rather offend parents with minor children, either way I am done with Target and will encourage my church to leave them also. We may be living in Babylon days but that does not mean we should support their evil cause with God’s money. As a grandfather, I would be devastated if a man walked into the ladies bathroom while my grand daughters were in there.
    Just a passing thought, I wonder if our liberal President Obama would allow men into the ladies room at Target while his teen age daughters were in there. Oh thats right, they are guarded by Secret Service and no one would be allowed in. What is being forced on us does not apply to the White House.

  26. lboldt

    How can you — how can anyone — call people to repent of a “sin” that simply is never proscribed anywhere in the pages of the Bible? How is this any different than the Pharisees?

  27. mikewittmer

    Iboldt: You ignored what I said about culpability. We don’t need the Bible to know it’s a disorder. Everyone knew that until five minutes ago. Its disordered nature is not hard to draw from the Bible. Transgenderism commits the heresy of Gnosticism–it has a too low view of creation and the human body. The fact that Scripture doesn’t mention it actually works against you. That just proves how new transgenderism is. If you could establish that Jewish culture had transgender people and the Bible didn’t speak to it, then you’d have something. As it is, your silence is a strong vote against you. And even if Scripture did explicitly denounce it, many would find a way around it anyway.

  28. mikewittmer

    Larry, I am very sympathetic. I believe we are on the same side. It is perfectly fine if you don’t shop there. I get it. But if you aim to be consistent, there will soon be few places left to shop. I think we can state our beliefs in a positive, winsome way and protect our children without giving our opponents a reason to hate us.

  29. Dan Boes

    Yes. Many of the privileges brought on by boycotting tea & the violence which ensued because of the Stamp Act are no longer ours. Thank you for your time.

  30. Dan Boes

    I’m sorry. That time comment reads differently than my thoughts. I am sincere when I thank you for sharing your time and knowledge.

  31. Shirley

    Very well stated!

  32. […] main point of my last post was that our disintegrating culture is going to need scapegoats. This has happened before. At the […]

  33. Ben

    Mike M: I just wanted to throw in that in the sports world, things are a little bit different. Even though Fred might “feel like a woman” on the day of the track meet, no person assigned male at birth can be on a women’s team without having undergone at least a year of hormone replacement therapy (estrogen in this hypothetical case). There are rules set in place for transgender people to have fair rights in (high school and college level) sports, which is one of the few places that they do have fair rights.

    Let’s have a few more examples, shall we? James is 17, and has severe disabilities. He cannot use the restroom on his own, and cannot be left alone at home while his mother goes to the store to pick up some groceries. While at the store, James has to use the bathroom. Which one should his mother take him to?

    Savanah is 5 years old. She is a transgender girl (assigned male at birth) and she looks and acts just like any other little girl (aside from her genitals of course which are anatomically male). When she is at the store with her parent, which restroom is she supposed to use???

    Ruth is 83 years old. She is in a wheelchair, and needs assistance when using the restroom to get up out of her wheelchair and onto the toilet. Her 38 year old son is her caretaker. He takes her out to run some errands so that she can get some fresh air and not be stuck inside her home all day. When they are at the grocery store, what restroom are they supposed to go into????

    Alex is genderqueer, they don’t identify with being male or female. Today Alex is wearing a skirt, a padded bra, and high heels. Their legs and armpits are shaved. They have a neatly kept, and freshly trimmed beard. When they go to the mall, what restroom should they use?

    Brian is a transman (assigned female at birth). He is 28 years old. He has had his breasts removed. He has been on hormones for 7 years. He has a bald head, full beard, flat chest, big muscles. Which restroom should he use?

    Gwen is a 45 year old transwoman (assigned male at birth). She has long hair, breast implants, a “womanly figure”, is wearing a dress, has very feminine features due to years of hormone replacement therapy. She still has a penis and testes, with no plans on having “bottom surgery” to have them removed. When she goes to the store, what restroom should she use??

    Trans people are just people. Your transmysogenistic bathroom fight is hurting more than just trans people. It’s hurting everyone that isn’t cisgender and able-bodied. It’s hurting people who are caring for children, and the elderly.

    But for some reason, all of these able-bodied, cisgender people are only thinking of themselves and their “comfort” while they oppress others.

    And yet they say that trans people are narcissistic.

  34. Sharon Ronan

    I have several disabled people in my family. Using the restroom in public has been a nightmare until they put in many of those family restrooms!

    Sent from my iPad


  35. mikewittmer

    Ben, some of your examples are exceptional instances that can be worked around or they illustrate the problem of where we are as a society. Do you honestly not understand the other side–that there might be a problem with allowing anyone to claim ‘transgender’ and use the restroom or locker room of the other gender?

  36. Ben

    Actually I do get that there is a chance that it will happen. It would be a truly awful thing if it did happen. Of course our everyone should be protected from predators.

    But, since we are so keen on talking about majority vs minority (“transgender people are a minority, why is it such a problem if we oppress them, after all, it’s unnatural!!!”) We sure as hell don’t do a very good job protecting our children from the predators all around them (coaches, uncles, aunts, mommy’s boyfriend, teachers, babysitters, older siblings, cousins, grandpa, fathers, mothers) why do we punish the minority of people instead of the majority? Why do we tell people who have undergone years of hormone therapy and surgeries to feel comfortable in their own skin that they cannot use public toilets because of “stranger danger”

    More Republican Party officials have been found out doing unspeakable things in the bathroom than transgender people. Why do we only punish the minority?

    Someone commented on a previous post about the number of transgender women who have been assaulted and killed in the recent years, don’t those women deserve to be protected as well? Or not, since obviously, they are not the majority.

    Do you honestly not understand that?

  37. mikewittmer

    Ben: so we need a solution that keeps everyone safe and respected. It has to start with both sides being respectful and not assuming the worst about the other.

  38. Ben

    I agree completely Mike, the problem is that everyone seems to be doing just that.

  39. Mark Pepin

    I had an interaction with “Joshua” on a facebook group the other day. I’ve been very busy and was unable to put together a cogent response till now. He encouraged me to post my comments here so that Mike would be able to answer them.

    My discussion was begun off of another member’s posting which was encouraging Christians to not be afraid to utilize boycotts as a tool against corporations which are flaunting their immoral decisions which have a direct impact on us and those we love.

    Joshua posted a link to this blog article by Mr. Mike Wittmer in response, which took the position that boycotts by Christians only hurt us. It’s an idea that I quickly pooh-poohed, and I attacked Mr. Wittmer directly for his unbiblical concepts and incorrect use of the Bible – though I did not spell out specifically what those incorrect uses were. Joshua then replied: “Say more about your claim that Wittmer doesn’t know how the world operates. What do you mean by this? How did you arrive at that conclusion? I’m quite familiar with him and his works. I’m not sure this is a fair assessment, but want to hear your thoughts.”

    So, let me preface my statements with the understanding that if you choose to put your thoughts out in a publicly accessible website, you open yourself up to non-mediated criticism. Not to say that you should be personally attacked, or that the attacks should be illogical. But your ideas are going to be tested for consistency in logic, especially against Biblical logic. Of course, some people will attack your ideas without any merit. And that’s the “danger” of writing a public blog – you get legitimate criticisms, but you also receive criticisms from the less informed.

    Mr. Wittmer is a Christian writing a Christian blog, whose writing is specifically directed toward other Christians. As such, he then owns a tremendous responsibility toward the Christian community to “get it right”, and opens himself up to critique for the answers that he provides.

    In this article, Mr. Wittmer “reminds” us to “…remember that sin doesn’t work. Sin never has worked. Sin cannot work. Those determined to deny God’s natural law and go their own way will inevitably fall into fifty shades of trouble.” But sin does “work”. Sin works so well in our world that King David lamented “For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. For there are no bands in their death: but their strength is firm. They are not in trouble as other men; neither are they plagued like other men. Therefore pride compasseth them about as a chain; violence covereth them as a garment. Their eyes stand out with fatness: they have more than heart could wish. They are corrupt, and speak wickedly concerning oppression: they speak loftily. They set their mouth against the heavens, and their tongue walketh through the earth.” (Psalm 73:3-9) So does that sound like sin doesn’t work??

    So, my initial concern in just the first few sentences was that he was portraying the wicked incorrectly as compared to how the Bible understands the wicked. Do the wicked eventually get their comeuppance? Yes, but typically it is understood that their day of reckoning is after death, not before. This is not to say that God does not intervene as He wills. But that the design is not a formula that says after you do X amount of evil then God steps in to punish you. If that were the case, then there would never be any Hitler’s or Mussolini’s.

    Mr. Wittmer states that when Christians choose to band together and boycott, that we “lose” on two fronts: perception and reality. Let’s break this down real quick by stating the obvious: “Perception IS reality.” If the world perceives us as evil, then that is their reality. It doesn’t matter if it is real or not – to them it IS real. So, instead of dealing with reality, we only need deal with the perception portion of his argument.

    The reality is that Christians acting in a righteous manner is righteousness in action. When Christians declare that homosexuality is sin, the world perceives a false righteousness. But the reality is that we are engaging in a righteousness from God. The reason that there is a difference between a Christian’s reality and the world’s PERCEPTION, is that we (Christians) use a different rule book than the world does.

    Our rule book is steadfast and true, as it is the revealed will of God, and God does not change. But the world’s rule book changes on the whims of society. As society evolves, so does their rule book. Which means that what is perceived today as good, can (and will) be perceived as evil tomorrow. That is why 30 years ago the Boy Scouts were considered honorable and right, but today they are considered the epitome of evil to an untoward society.
    I find Mr. Wittmer’s handling of the Word to be consistent with those who use the Bible to make their point and support their positions, instead of reading the Bible to learn what it teaches. For example, Mr. Wittmer attempts to use the Bible to support his position that boycotts are wrong, and he does what so many of that stripe do, and he fails to maintain the context of the Bible story.

    Mr. Wittmer uses the story of Daniel as an example of why we, Christians, should not boycott. He states that “Daniel respectfully asked permission not to defile himself with the king’s food (Daniel 1:8). He didn’t start a crusade.” There are a few things wrong with such a statement.

    First off, Mr. Wittmer’s failure to maintain context. While Daniel did “respectfully ask permission”, Mr. Wittmer fails to acknowledge that Daniel was under commandment of the law to eat the food placed before him. To eat something different than what the King commanded would have deadly consequences for the eunuch that was placed in charge of Daniel and his three other friends.

    We are under no such commandment from the law that would require us to choose Target for a certain portion of our shopping list. If we should choose not to shop at Target, there are no deadly consequences for acting in such a manner. For Mr. Wittmer to use this portion of Scripture as if it were consistent with what Christians are experiencing today in 2016 is to misuse Scripture.

    Second off, Daniel DID start a crusade with those he was able to influence. He obviously knew that he would be unable to influence the other eunuchs – indeed, he did not even have access to them. He used his powers of persuasion to influence the eunuch that held power over them, to affect the lives of all those in the sphere of his influence.

    Another point that particularly bothered me was his statement that “Christians are sinners like everyone else.” It actually angers me to hear a Christian portray Christians as exactly like the rest of the world (in any area), when there is this astronomical difference between us and them.

    To begin with, we are saved by the blood of Christ. This salvation has an immediate affect on the individual’s life, as it begins the process of sanctification.

    It also creates a whole new creation. That’s the uniqueness of Christianity, in that we are no longer the same person we were before salvation. We are no longer “sinners like everyone else.”

    One of the main differences between Christians and the rest of the world is in the area of conviction. Yes, Christians do continue to sin after salvation, but they are quickly convicted within their own hearts, and seek to mediate their sins by seeking forgiveness and correcting their future behavior. The world is the complete opposite, in that as they sin and get away with their actions, they will continue to sin, or modify their behavior to more easily get away with their actions in the future.

    To end my comments, allow me to state that I wholeheartedly support the concept of boycotts. There have been several boycotts over the years that have had their intended effect. There have been some that have not. But in the end, I think it is fair to say that boycotts can be powerful tools that serve their purpose.

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