the last enemy

Today is the release of my book on death, The Last Enemy: Preparing to Win the Fight of Your Life. I kept the book small, with short chapters full of humorous and inspiring stories, so it would be enjoyably read by anyone. And since we’re all going to die, I think we all need to read this book, or at least know its content.

I hope it’s a book that pastors and friends will leave with loved ones who are facing their final and unbeatable foe, and I pray young people will take its message to heart as they begin their lives. As Martin Luther wrote in “A Sermon on Preparing to Die,” we need to think about death often, long before we are in range. If we wait until death “is on the move,” we will be unprepared to die.

The Last Enemy is available on amazon and at a discount on the publisher’s website, and you can request a free copy if you would like to participate in a blog tour. There are a limited number of books available for the tour, and if you are interested you may contact Susan at Please mention that you are signing up for the Mike Wittmer Blog Tour, say whether you are requesting an electronic or hard copy, and give your blog address and mailing address.

There are a limited number of books available, so please submit your request early (the deadline is March 18) and refrain from asking whether Susan’s AOL account came on a CD she received in the mail (three things I didn’t know were still around). If she doesn’t think that is funny, you will have killed your chances of learning about death.

I’ll probably blog more about death in the coming weeks, which makes this blog the place to be during Lent. Why spend so much time on a dismal subject like death? That’s easy. It’s what makes the resurrection so spectacular. We don’t look for solutions to problems that don’t exist. If you don’t think death is a problem there is no chance you will give your life to Christ. But if you appreciate the overwhelming devastation of death, you are in position to savor the victory that Jesus has won. Easter morning could not happen without Good Friday, for a resurrection only works in a cemetery.



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7 responses to “the last enemy”

  1. Missy

    Would you say this is something you would recommend reading and going through with a 12 year old for Lent?

  2. mikewittmer

    Missy: I think so. My 13 year old read it easily, and I think it’s terribly important content for adolescents to work through. They don’t yet feel the finality of death, so perhaps more than anyone they need to think through the reality of death and what Jesus has won for them. There is nothing in the book that would traumatize a child. Even the chapters that emphasize the awfulness of death end on an uplift. I know it sounds corny, but I tell people it’s an inspiring look at death (because of the resurrection).

  3. Sam Frazier

    Hey Mike, can I get it in e-form? I’d like to put it on my Nook Tablet for when I’m on the road….

  4. mikewittmer

    Yes, I know that is coming, because some people at the publisher are planning on getting the ebook.

  5. Adriano Nazareth Pinto de Carvalho

    Hello, Dr. Mike! Congratulations for your book on death, one of my favorite subjects. I am that brazilian baptist pastor to whom you graciously gave a complimentary copy of ‘Christ Alone’, last year, do you remember? Please, could I know the contents of your new book?
    Blessings! Pr. Adriano Nazareth Pinto de Carvalho, Hortolândia, SP, Brazil.

  6. Congratulations, Mike. Looking forward to reading it!

  7. Just bought the book, Doc, and I’m looking forward to reading it.

    But if I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard you say,
    “There is nothing in the book that would traumatize a child,”
    then by golly I’d be rich enough to cheat death. 😉

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